Saturday, January 20, 2007


We couldn't believe it - we had snow flurries today!!! We were setting up all day for a race that our base is putting on tomorrow, so naturally, since the race is outside, it had to snow... It's pretty much the coldest that it has been since we got here. Crazy, huh!


Anonymous said...

Wow it is hard to believe that it was snowing in Japan and Dallas at the same time!!! It has been an unusual winter for TX. We had 6 days straight of below freezing temps. We miss you guys tons!

Andrea and Ben said...

We got snow when we lived there! How funny :0) Hope you still get to run your race!! By the way, I love reading new posts on your blog....hint, hint.

The Quinn Report said...

Hey girl! Did you get to do your race? You'll have to fill us in!

A Goldsworthy Note said...

Yeah, I know...a bit late on writing on your post, but I really have NOT been on the computer much lately.

I probably shouldn't think it's funny that mother nature decided to make it snow before your race, but I kinda do think it's funny. :-)(super long sentence) I hope y'all still got to run the race and had a great time doing it! hehe...doing it. hehe. :-)
Later gator!

Lysandra said...

How was the race?? I am glad you are up and running.

Anonymous said...

Hi Abby - Grandma here - don't faint. It is snowing here again - it has been snowing for about a week - mostly flurries off and on and really cold. The girls have to go out so often and they really hurry. I'm so glad we have them even tho so many people think I am "Love you. Grandma